As a renowned franchise, each new release in the Yakuza series, now known as Like a Dragon, is eagerly awaited by a large fan base. It’s no surprise that each new installment sells rapidly. With the anticipation for the eighth installment already high, RGG Studio teases that the upcoming Yakuza game will astonish its fans.
During the Essence of Fandom event at Anime Expo, RGG Studio discussed their next project. While specifics were not disclosed, they assured that the game would be a surprising addition to the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series, not any other franchise.
Although the release of the next game is still a while away, Yakuza fans can look forward to a live-action TV adaptation premiering in October. Directed by Masaharu Take and Kengo Takimoto and starring Ryoma Takeuchi as Kazuma Kiryu, the series promises intense fight sequences and the most engaging portrayals of the characters and Kamurochō yet.
Regarding the latest installment, SEGA and RGG Studio have officially announced that Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth has sold 1 million copies worldwide within a week of its release. While focusing more on the character Ichiban, iconic characters like Kiryu are still featured.
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC. For more detailed and updated information about the game, visit their official website HERE. You can read our full review HERE.